CogentNotion Article
God’s Sovereignty, Free Will, and Baseball
by Bill Moller
Some decisions are life-changing. Others somewhat trivial. Some decisions are GOOD, and others… not so good. The question before us today is, “WHO made those decisions?” Was it the individual acting of his or her own free will, or was it God imposing divine sovereignty and making the decision for us? I don’t know about you, but it sure felt like it was me who decided to get out of bed this morning. Yet I know from my study of Scripture that God is sovereign over all. But, exactly what does that mean?
CogentNotion Article
Do You Have The Fuddle Virus?
by Bill Moller
Recently, I spent hours – actually days – eradicating a virus from a computer. Despite the presence of a fully updated antivirus/antispyware protection system, this pest snuck through. You might wonder how this was possible. The method was ingenious, but simple – the designer, insidious. This cunning attack counted on the likelihood that the user of the computer would be distracted, allowing the infection to take place right before the user’s eyes and with his or her full cooperation.
CogentNotion Article
with Steve Bell
It was my distinct pleasure to exchange a series of emails with manager/producer Dave Zeglinski of Signpost Music. As a result, I was fortunate enough to catch Steve Bell between concert dates, and the dialog that follows contains his thoughtful and compassionate replies to my questions about life, faith and music. I hope you enjoy his remarks as much as I have.
CogentNotion Article
It’s Not Greek to Me
by Bill Moller
Recently, I decided to take a class to learn Biblical Greek, the language in use when the original text of the New Testament was written. As I sat thinking about this undertaking, I remembered that one of the best ways to reinforce what one learns is to teach the material to someone else. What you are about to read is that effort. I invite you to follow along and discover the alphabet used in Biblical Greek.
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